Off Campus Pass
Agoura High School Off Campus Pass
To give High School Junior and Senior students the opportunity to exercise personal responsibility and flexibility in their daily schedules.
Parents must sign a permission slip for their student to receive an off campus pass. The permission slip is found on Parent Square, accessed through the Aeries parent portal. Eligibility for all pass-holding students will be reevaluated every five weeks (term). Senior and Junior students who do not meet the following criteria will not be granted a new pass for that five-week term. Those students will have the opportunity to re-earn their pass upon the next cycle review.
Criteria for Eligibility within a 5 Week Term
No more than 2 absences
Excessive tardiness will be reviewed
No D or F Grades for the Term/Grading Period
No Disciplinary Infractions
A commitment to school attendance is an essential component of a quality learning experience and regular attendance and engagement are required in order to demonstrate mastery of the material. It is the full responsibility of students and parents/guardians to be aware of the student’s attendance record during the school year.
Students who do not meet the Off Campus Pass attendance requirement during a given 5-week reporting period may submit an attendance appeal. In order to qualify for the attendance appeal process, the student must have no Ds or Fs AND no discipline referrals. All appeals must be submitted online using the Off Campus Pass Attendance Appeal Form.
An appeal may be granted for excessive absences based on: prolonged illness, hospitalization, doctor visits/directed bed rest, or severe injury. Unusual, unforeseen, and unavoidable circumstances, such as family emergencies, court dates, or bereavement will also be considered.
The student will work with the administration/counselor to identify actions and strategies to improve attendance.
Steps to take in the Appeal Process:
The student should obtain their attendance record from the attendance office.
Any unverified absences should be cleared by the student’s parent/guardian in accordance with AHS attendance procedures by providing an absence note and any support documentation (doctor’s note, verification of court appearance, etc.).
Student and parent/guardian should complete the Off Campus Pass Attendance Appeal Form
Student will meet with an administrator to review the appeal request and establish an Attendance Improvement Plan.