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Graduation 24 girls

Graduation 24 girls

rainbow over campus
students with NYC skyline in background
Performing in NYC
caterers behind trays of food.
Baseball team photo
Volleyball team photo
LaCrosse team on field posing for group photo
Team photo of boys soccer team
Legally Blond Group

Legally Blond Group

photo of all sports medicine students at a competition
Elle Woods with cast
Band on stage
4 track athletes with ribbons
Four players walking across the field arm in arm

Photo by Eve Fukunaga

Orchestra on stage
Coach with three athletes
5 friends

Photo by Eve Fukunaga

Football team

Photo by Eve Fukunaga

10 students on athletic field

Photo by Eve Fukunaga

4 friends

Photo by Eve Fukunaga

all the players in the CBI game

Welcome to Agoura High School

Agoura High School students learn to their fullest potential. Our students are prepared and motivated to engage as active citizens in a rapidly changing world, and their education is enhanced through the consideration of national, global and multicultural perspectives. They have finely developed critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for the core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Agoura High School graduates are knowledgeable and caring Chargers who possess the knowledge and skills that assure their post-secondary success.

AHS CHS Bell Schedule 2024-2025

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